2022's Most Popular Content on Community Commons

On Community Commons, you can find thousands of curated tools, resources, data, and stories. Hundreds more are added each month. In 2022 alone, we added:

Over the past year, we looked at the analytics to see what you—our users—were most interested in, and have rounded up some of the most popular content on Community Commons. 
A few key themes stood out. Users continue to seek out data tools to inform data-driven community change work, as well as measure well-being efforts and track progress. Resources supporting deep equity work and priority populations were also popular, as was content to support a holistic approach to community change work, like the Vital Conditions for Well-Being framework. This year, we launched a series of Health Equity Libraries on Community Commons, which provide knowledge management for large bodies of content surrounding priority populations and advancing equity.

We offer a sincere thank you to the thousands of users who have visited Community Commons over the past year, as well as our staff, fellows, interns, contributors, partners, and clients. Your support and interest makes our work possible. Please reach out to us with any feedback or to inquire about becoming a CC Contributor at [email protected]. As always, you can suggest a resource here.

Explore our most popular content from 2022 below!

Top Channels and Libraries

Photo of an Indigenous person holding a drum. Behind them is a scene of a lake and forested mountains.
Indigenous Knowledge Library
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 08/04/2022
Collage of images of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color with teal, olive green, golden yellow, and burnt orange transparent overlays. Bold white text on charcoal background at the top reads
BIPOC Health Equity Library
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 09/27/2022
Banner graphic reads
Accessibility and Disability Equity Library
Published on 09/01/2022
Bold letters
Priority Populations Channel
Resource - Data Bank/repository
Brought to you by Community Commons

Top Community Commons Originals


First page of
Navigating the Opioid and Substance Use Data Landscape: Strategies to Assemble Data and Bridge Gaps
Resource - Guide/handbook
Brought to you by IP3
Published on 03/07/2022
Rectangles contain titles that read
Understanding and Interpreting Population Health Measures
Story - Written
Brought to you by IP3
Published on 11/15/2022


Illustration of six people standing side-by-side, each with a different color shirt (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple) and their pronouns written across their chest.
Beyond Inclusion: Pronoun Use for Health and Well-Being
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Collage of portraits from 100 Million Healthier Lives movement
Engaging People with Lived Experience Toolkit
Tool - Toolkit/toolbox
Brought to you by 100MHL
Colorful compilation of photos of Black people
Centering Black Voices
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Photo of person with dark skin, a blue shirt, and jeans using an at-home blood pressure monitor
Hypertension, Race, and Ethnicity: Decreasing the Disparities
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Lego people in progress pride flag colors
Counting All in Our Communities: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Data
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Illustrations of women, parents, families, and queer people representing the many aspects of reproductive justice
Taking Action for Reproductive Justice: Our Favorite Tools, Resources, and Data
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons


Staff Pick!
Shared Stewardship in Health Care
Resource - Guide/handbook
Brought to you by Well Being Trust
people sitting around a table talking  Photo by tribesh kayastha on Unsplash
Community Health Needs Assessments
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Close-up photo of a person's hands holding a cell phone.
Telemental Health Provides Opportunity to Improve Population Mental Health
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Thriving Campuses Toolkit banner image
Thriving Campuses Toolkit
Tool - Toolkit/toolbox
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 01/05/2022
Screenshot of home page of PHERN with yellow banner that reads
PHERN Helps Changemakers End the Pandemic, Advance Equity, Build a Public Health System for the Future
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 03/31/2022

Staff Picks

Teal background with headshot of Justice Horn and text that reads
Commons Good Podcast: Justice Horn, All-America City John Parr Youth Award Winner
Story - Audio
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 05/18/2022
Collage of images of LGBTQ+ people with transparent overlays in progress pride flag colors. At the top, bold white text on a charcoal background reads
LGBTQ+ Health Equity Library
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 03/01/2022
Photo of a person with dark skin holding two stacks of gold coins. One stack is half the size of the other stack.
The Growing Gap: Gender Pay Equity, Meaningful Work, and Wealth during COVID-19
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Photo of person with long dark hair being kissed on the cheek by a child in a bright yellow jacket
Tribal Health: Reinvesting in the Indian Health Service
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Staff Pick!
Photo of a protest sign that reads
Taking Action to End Gun Violence: Our Top Tools, Resources, Stories, and Data
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
North Sound ACH Learning and Resource Network
Brought to you by North Sound ACH

Trending Topics in 2022

Top Resources and Tools

Home page of CARES Vulnerable Populations Footprint tool
SparkMap Vulnerable Populations Footprint
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
Brought to you by CARES
Home page of CARES Map Room
CARES Map Room
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
Brought to you by CARES
Purple States of America
Resource - Map
Screen grab of Hate Map
Hate Map
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
Brought to you by SPLC
Home page of CARES CHNA Report tool
SparkMap Community Needs Assessment
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
Brought to you by CARES
First page of the Racial Equity Map
Racial Equity Map
Tool - Toolkit/toolbox
Brought to you by RELAC
Screenshot of Do You Live in a News Desert?
U.S. News Deserts
Tool - Data/mapping Tool
Screen grab of The Human Flourishing Project
The Human Flourishing Project
Resource - Podcast
Brought to you by CIP

Learn More about Community Commons

iPhones and iPads surrounding the word #communitycommons
Community Commons on Social Media
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Blue block text reads
2021's Most Popular Content on Community Commons
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Graphic of a newsletter with the text
In Common Newsletter
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons
Collage of images relating to healthy communities, well-being and equity
About Community Commons
Story - Original
Brought to you by Community Commons