Bright Spot: Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash
This bright spot was originally published in the 100 Million Healthier Lives Change Library and is brought to you through partnership with 100 Million Healthier Lives and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
Detailed Description
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less is a 15-week weight management program for adults that uses strategies proven to work for weight loss and maintenance. The program is based on mindfulness and small steps to establish a healthy lifestyle - it is NOT a diet. Each lesson informs, empowers, and motivates participants to live mindfully as they make choices about eating and physical activity. The program provides opportunities for participants to track their progress and keep a journal of healthy eating and physical activity behaviors. The program is offered to worksites or anyone interested in eating smart, moving more, and achieving a healthy weight. The program is available in a real-time, online format that uses synchronous, distance-education technology for weekly sessions. Classes are conducted by a live instructor and participants attend using a computer at home or office. Convenient class times during early morning, lunch-time, and early and late evening hours are offered.
Expected Outcomes
Of participants who completed the program:
- 96% reach or make progress on their goals
- 97% would recommend the program to others
- 15.8% bring their blood pressure within normal range and
- 7.3% drop out of hypertension stages one or two
- Most lose a significant percentage of their body weight
The benefits of the intervention have been shown to continue well after the program has ended:
- 70% of participants report maintaining or losing additional weight six months after program ends
- At the end of the program 94% report that they are more mindful of what and how much they eat
- 69% report maintaining this mindfulness six months later as a result of the program
- Many participants report that their doctors reduced or eliminated their medications for:
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes
- High Cholesterol Reflux/GERD
Failing Forward Moments
Please note: this intervention is meant to help participants manage their weight, which should help control diabetes, but it is not evidenced-based for diabetes control specifically.
Cost Details
As of October 2016, the cost to enroll in the 15-week online program:
- $30 per NC State Health Plan member ($25 refund for good attendance)
- $225 per non-member or general participant
Please contact for program details and purchasing bulk slots. Group discounts are available for employers who may want to offer the program as part of a wellness initiative and cost sharing options are available. There may be additional costs to pay for advertising/other communication to inform the target population about the availability of the intervention.
Special Funding
Independent registration through General Enrollment costs $225/Individual/family. Groups and businesses enrolling more than 20 participants receive a discount (cost is $210/Individual/family). The program is available at a subsidized cost to NC State Health Plan members see NC Division of Public Health, Chronic Disease and Injury Section, community Clinical Connections for Prevention Health Branch and North Carolina State University are willing to work with communities to locate funding.
Special Infrastructure
Participants enrolled in the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less online program will need a computer or mobile device and Internet connection to attend weekly classes. No microphone or video camera is needed for the participant.
Return on Investment Details
Cost benefit analyses have indicated that for every $1 spent on Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less approximately $2.75 can be saved in medical care and lost productivity costs.
Outcome Measures
- Number of participants enrolled in the Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less program as a result of organization efforts.
- Number of participants who reached their goal using the program.
- Number of participants who lose weight and lower their blood pressure two variables that are directly associated with healthcare cost savings.
Process Measures
Track communications and marketing strategies to disseminate the information to target audience.
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