Reliable Transportation
Reliable Transportation is about moving between home, work, school, stores—and more—in daily life. Transportation options influence access to jobs, social mobility, and our health. Active transportation—walking, biking, and transit use—helps us incorporate physical activity into our daily lives. Designing compact communities and sustainable transportation systems ensure people are able to get where they need to go no matter a person’s means, mode, or ability.
Access to transportation is a major driver of health and well-being. Transportation—whether walking, bicycling, wheeling, public transit, or driving—allows people to reach jobs, education opportunities, medical services, green outdoor space, community meetings, and family events; it acts as a connection to every other vital condition.
Current transportation policies and funding in the United States puts those who cannot drive at a disadvantage. There is a greater emphasis on roads, and more importantly, roads built solely for cars. In most communities, public transit is an afterthought, and safe walking and bicycling infrastructure can be a politically charged struggle to even get consideration.The Complete Streets movement hopes to improve roadway conditions by working with local, state, and federal governments to pass transportation policies and funding that would make all roads safe for all users.
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