Humane Housing
Humane Housing is about stable, safe places to live, and living in diverse, vibrant communities that lead to full, productive lives. People are able to thrive with access to secure, consistent places to live, homes and neighborhoods that are safe from hazards, and neighborhoods that provide access to food and other basic needs, opportunity, and resources that promote healthy living.
Housing is the biggest expense for most Americans, and thus housing affordability is a significant factor in financial well-being. Housing stability, quality, safety, and affordability all affect health outcomes, as do physical and social characteristics of neighborhoods. One’s housing situation has serious implications—either positive or negative—on almost every other aspect of life, especially among children. Access to housing is often something passed down in various ways through generations and can be difficult to gain access to otherwise. Homeownership has long been at the center of the American Dream, helping build family wealth and stable, diverse communities. Access to humane housing can determine who thrives and flourishes, and who struggles to survive.
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