Buckeye HEAL: Our SCALE Journey 2015-2019
This story was originally published through 100 Million Healthier Lives and is brought to you through partnership with 100 Million Healthier Lives and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
Who We Are
Buckeye HEAL is comprised of passionate and engaged community Resident Advisors (RA’s) and organizational partners who have a desire and willingness to help improve the inequitable circumstances in the Greater Buckeye community.
RA's and our organizational partners instill hope by facilitating meaningful community engagement activities with that activate, inspire, transform mindsets, policies and overall health, well-being, and equity of our community.
Center for Community Solutions - Cleveland Data
Greater Buckeye Community
Where We Plant Seeds
Buckeye HEAL is comprised of passionate and engaged community Resident Advisor's and organizational partners who have a desire and willingness to help improve the inequitable circumstances in the Greater Buckeye community in Cleveland, Ohio.
Deb Mc - Resident Advisor, Buckeye HEAL
"I was diagnosed with high blood pressure several years ago. Due to a change in my diet-eating healthier, and increased physical active, I am no longer living with high blood pressure. I feel great!"
Stephanie - Resident Advisor & Institutional Partner!
Marvetta Rutherford - Resident Advisor, Buckeye HEAL
"It's 2019 and we're STILL WAITING to overcome what? Much compassion for Immigrants. Our own....No such luck!!!" - Marvetta
Our Voices Matter!
Dilapidated Structure - Greater Buckeye Community
When one community resource closes, another community resource opens.
Thank you Greater Buckeye Residents and Leaders!
Julian Khan - Resident Advisor, Buckeye HEAL
He Keeps Us in the Know!
"We've created community within community." - Julian K.
Marilyn Burns - Resident Advisor, Buckeye HEAL
Marilyn, CASE 1st Year Medical Students, and Ward 6 Councilman
"This old gray-headed Bitch; she's always so nosy, always out tryin' to see what she can tell." - Marilyn
De'Angelo Knuckles - Resident Advisor, Buckeye HEAL
Our Partnering Organizations
Our organizational partners instill hope by facilitating meaningful community engagement activities in the Greater Buckeye neighborhood in Cleveland, Ohio. Together, we activate and inspire our neighbors; transform mindsets and policies; and improve health, well-being, and equity.
- Saint Luke's Foundation
- Fairhill Partners
- Harvey Rice Library
- Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention
- A Vision of Change
- Cleveland Council of Black Nurses
- Cleveland Habitat for Humanity
Healthy Eating
Garden at Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Center- Buckeye HEAL Community Partner
<Planting seeds for healthy eating, 2015
Garden Soxx
Active Living
Walking Trail SignPost_MLK Route
Walking Group 2018
Pareese, Buckeye HEAL Yoga Fitness Instructor
HEAL Walking Trail Sign - ART Walk Route_Larchmere Blvd.
Spreading Community Accelerators through Learning and Evaluation
In November 2015, Buckeye HEAL began on our SCALE journey. SCALE is an initiative of 100 Million Healthier Lives and generously supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. SCALE provided us with Community of Solution (COS) tools to accelerate our efforts to meaningfully engage the Greater Buckeye community to promote health, wellbeing and equity.
Community of Solution Skills
The COS skills have helped Buckeye HEAL further develop our capacity to promote health, wellbeing and equity. COS skills focus on utilizing these five pillars:
- Leading From Within
- Leading Together
- Leading for Outcomes
- Leading for Equity
- Leading for Sustainability
Leading From Within: Habits of the Heart
Buckeye HEAL has embraced the 5 Habits of the Heart to Lead From Within.
- We understand that we are all in this together
- We appreciate the value of otherness
- We have the ability to hold tension in life-giving ways
- We have a sense of personal voice and agency
- We have capacity to create community
"Transforming Love to Power" - Community Organizing Meeting
Leading Together
"I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things."- Mother Teresa
Buckeye HEAL collaborates with RA's and organizational partners to Lead Together to promote health, wellbeing and equity in our community.
Together we created the Youth Action Network. Members of the Youth Action Network include: A Vision of Change, the Ward 6 Cleveland City Council, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, the Ohio Department of Jobs & Family Services, and Fairhill Partners Kinship Caregivers program.
- The Youth Action Network engages with RA's and organizational partners to offer skill-building resources for two target populations: Youth leaving the Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Center and going out to the community;
- 3rd graders at Harvey Rice Elementary (Greater Buckeye neighborhood) who are at risk of not passing the reading scholastic exams.
Leading for Outcomes: The Impact of Our Work
Our signature initiative is the pop-up Jump-Move-Flash (J-M-F) event, promoting healthy eating & active living. We use community engagement tools to encourage and activate people of all ages to have hope and make personal changes to improve the health and well-being of our community.
J-M-F at Calvary Hill C.O.G.I.C_2017
IHI Fall Gathering featuring Buckeye HEAL work with Incarcerated Youth - "Leading for Outcomes"
Cuyahoga County Juvenile Detention Center:
Buckeye HEAL partnered with the JDC and tested a new way of using one of the COS skills, “Leading for Outcomes”, individualizing it for personal growth. We used the Aim and Driver Diagram tool with 49 incarcerated youth. We asked the incarcerated youth what did they want to accomplish in their life. Each of the incarcerated youth who participated developed a personal goal statement and determined several improvement strategies to meet their personal goals. 49 participants were engaged and understood the objective of the activity and its relevance to planning for the future.
Jump-Move-Flash Event with Incarcerated Youth at the Juvenile Detention Center
Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity
Buckeye HEAL partnered with Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity builds and improves places that people can call their homes for families in need of decent and affordable housing. We used the Aim and Driver Diagram tool with participants ages 5-85. We asked 40 participants to develop a personal goal statement about what they wanted to accomplish in their lives and identify several improvement strategies to meet their personal goals. Participants were engaged and understood the objective of the activity and its relevance to planning for the future.
Jump-Move-Flash with Habitat for Humanity - Greater Buckeye Current & Future Residents
Fitness Classes
Buckeye HEAL actively engages residents of Greater Buckeye with fitness and healthy eating classes. Throughout the last 5 years, we have offered 13 types of fitness classes totaling 624 classes each year. These classes in took place in 5 indoor and outdoor shared-use spaces in our community and were led by 10 dedicated volunteer fitness instructors.
Click here for Buckeye HEAL Fitness data.
Mat Yoga - Fairhill Partners 2019
CPR/AED Trainings
Leading for Equity
Buckeye HEAL has incorporated the topics of race, racism & equity into our monthly coalition meeting agenda. Five HEAL coalition members attended the Racial Equity Institute training. And, we use online radio broadcasting to convene conversations on racial equity and racism.
As uncomfortable as it may be for some to discuss, we have begun to embrace the idea that healthy eating and active living also includes dismantling racism.
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King Jr.
Leading for Sustainability
In order to sustain and scale up the work of Buckeye HEAL, we taught COS skills to our RA's and organizational partners. Although we work with limited financial resources, our RA's and organizational partners are committed to working together in aligning our resources to improve health, wellbeing and equity. We work together for a common cause. We are persistent. We care about our community and each other. We are committed to helping the Greater Buckeye community thrive!
Buckeye HEAL hosted 3 SCALE Up CHILA's. We had 11 community organizations and 7 RA's learn about the COS 5 pillars at the SCALE Up CHILA's.
"Our Secret Sauce"
Mr. Potato Head - SCALE Measurement Learning Activity
We ask you to join us in helping communities begin to thrive so that everyone can live their best lives.
Buckeye HEAL Facebook page: Let's H.E.A.L. Cleveland!
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