Bright Spot: North Carolina Maternity Center Breastfeeding-Friendly Designation
Photo by kevin liang on Unsplash
This bright spot was originally published in the 100 Million Healthier Lives Change Library and is brought to you through partnership with 100 Million Healthier Lives and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
Detailed Description
The North Carolina Maternity Center Breastfeeding-Friendly (NCMCBF) Designation Program encourages hospitals and maternity centers across the state to promote and support breastfeeding by facilitating changes that result in the incremental adoption of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative's Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding.
Expected Outcomes
Some of the expected outcomes of NCMCBF include changing maternity center environment as well as policies and practices by affecting breastfeeding social norms (short term outcome) and improving breastfeeding initiation, duration and exclusivity (long term outcome).
Key Principles
Hospitals and maternity centers download an application from the North Carolina Maternity Center Breastfeeding-Friendly (NCMCBF) Designation Program page of the Nutrition Services Branch website.
The application is submitted with supporting documentation demonstrating compliance with the requirements for each step in the application. Using assessment criteria in the review tool, the NCMCBF Designation Program committee members review submitted applications. Review committee members utilize the assessment criteria and review tool to determine the award level for NCMCBF Designation Program applicants.
Cost Details
Hospital policy changes are often needed to allow adoption of maternity care practices in keeping with the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding (such as rooming-in, skin-to-skin, avoidance of pacifiers, and formula supplementation without medical need). These policy changes have financial implications, as well as implications for staff practices
Key Steps for Implementation
Hospitals and maternity centers download an application from the North Carolina Maternity Center Breastfeeding-Friendly (NCMCBF) Designation Program page of the Nutrition Services Branch website The application is submitted with supporting documentation demonstrating compliance with the requirements for each step in the application. Using assessment criteria in the review tool, the NCMCBF Designation Program committee members review submitted applications. Review committee members utilize the assessment criteria and review tool to determine the award level for NCMCBF Designation Program applicants. Hospitals and maternity centers are awarded up to five stars based on the number of the Ten Steps they have achieved. Hospitals and maternity centers that receive a designation are provided a packet including a certificate of designation, logos to use in promotion of the designation, and a sample press release. These hospitals and maternity centers also receive recognition on the North Carolina Division of Public Health, Nutrition Services Branch website. Engage stakeholders, including hospitals and maternity centers, to solicit feedback during the development/adaptation of the program and to create buy-in for the program. Create or adapt standards, designation levels, a program application, and logo for the program, based on state or regional needs. Assemble a review team that is knowledgeable in quality improvement, breastfeeding and the Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. Develop and implement a selection process for designation. Distribute and make the program application available to hospitals and maternity centers. Publicize the program through media outlets. Provide a designation packet to all hospitals and maternity centers awarded designation. Provide technical assistance and feedback to hospitals and maternity centers that express interest in the program, apply for the designation and/or are awarded designation.
Other Key Requirements
Obtain buy-in from stakeholders. The breastfeeding workgroup sought buy-in from the North Carolina Hospital Association, North Carolina Pediatric Society, and the North Carolina Child Fatality Task Force. Create the program to be voluntary versus mandatory. Provide post-review technical assistance calls to designated hospitals and maternity centers to build momentum for future submissions. Limit site visits or onsite technical assistance to reduce staffing costs. This measure allows the program to be administered by an existing staff position with a very small % FTE (full time equivalent) allocated to the NCMCBF Designation Program. Designate dedicated staff hours for technical assistance calls and follow-up
Required Staffing (FTEs)
North Carolina State Breastfeeding Coordinator (5% FTE)
Special Funding
The NCMCBF Designation Program review committee provides their time as an in-kind donation for the formulation and continuation of the intervention
North Carolina Maternity Center Breastfeeding-Friendly (NCMCBF) Designation Program application North Carolina Maternity Center Breastfeeding-Friendly Designation Application Resources
Training Assistance Contact NCMCBF about further training information
Types of Staff
North Carolina State Breastfeeding Coordinator
Outcome Measures
Increase the proportion of infants who are ever breastfed
Process Measures
Implementation of the Ten Steps to Breastfeeding
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