Farmworkers play an essential role in a healthy, functioning food system. Farmworkers primarily contribute to the safe, efficient, and stable production and delivery of fruits, vegetables, and other agricultural products that contribute to the economy and food security efforts in United States agriculture. Farmworkers can generally be bucketed into two groups: self-employed farm workers with their family members, and seasonally hired farm workers, which can add to the complexity of understanding issues related to farm work.
Historically, farm work has always been a challenging career. However, in recent decades, a variety of social, economic, and political issues have contributed even more to tough conditions for farmworkers. Decreasing numbers of small to mid-sized family farms in the American agricultural scene paired with rising numbers of large scaled farms has resulted in family farms struggling to make ends meet. Challenges conditions for migrant farmworkers employed seasonally include facing issues such as discrimination, long hours, low wages, and poor access to health care and benefits. Further, the hazardous conditions in farm work contribute to it being high risk work. For instance, farmworkers face routine exposure to pesticides, heat stress, and injury from farm equipment, which all contribute to health disparities in this population.
Extra attention is needed to create conditions for farmworkers that work towards fairer compensation and better work environments. Support for policies and programs that protect farm workers as well as increased support for educational campaigns can help raise awareness to change working conditions for farm workers. Additionally, support for local food cooperatives, farmers markets, and other organizations that promote fair labor practices can all contribute positively. Emphasis on changes in the agricultural environment that prioritize locally-grown, pesticide-free grown food can help contribute to a more equitable food system.
Resources & Tools
Essentially Unprotected: A Focus on Farmworker Health Laws and Policies Addressing Pesticide Exposure and Heat-Related Illness
Resource - Report
Brought to you by Vermont Law School
Farmworkers and COVID-19: Community-Based Partnerships to Address Health and Safety
Resource - Journal Article
Brought to you by APHA
Essential and in Crisis: A Review of the Public Health Threats Facing Farmworkers
Resource - Report
Brought to you by Johns Hopkins University
Extend Labor Rights to Domestic and Agricultural Workers
Resource - Policy Brief
Brought to you by WIN Network
Published on 04/16/2021
Strengthening SNAP: Opportunities in the 2023 Farm Bill
Resource - Blog
Brought to you by Bipartisan Policy Center Inc.
Building Resilience in a Changing World: AFT’S 2023 Farm Bill Recommendations
Brought to you by American Farmland Trust
In Common Newsletter: The Growing Gap
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 03/23/2022
NEJM Article: Supporting Climate, Health, and Equity Under the Farm Bill
Resource - Journal Article
Brought to you by APHA
2023 Farm Bill: Advancing Public Health at the Intersection of Food, Environment, and Economic Policy
Brought to you by Community Commons
Why WA’s Farmworkers Are Disappearing
Story - Written
Brought to you by The Seattle Times
Published on 03/28/2024
The Resurgence of Waffle Gardens Is Helping Indigenous Farmers Grow Food with Less Water
Story - Written
Brought to you by Civil Eats
Pop-up Clinics Bringing Vaccines to People who Need Them Most: Meeting People Where They are on COVID-19
Story - Written
Brought to you by APHA
Harvesting Health and Hope Through Farmer-Health Care Cooperation
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 04/17/2018
There Aren’t Enough Young Farmers. Congress Is Looking To Change That
Story - Written
Brought to you by NPR
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