Courageous Change: Reflections on 2019
Thank you for your support this past year. As you know, Community Commons and its offerings underwent a fundamental revision, and it’s been a big change for everyone. However, our vision and mission have not changed: we exist to serve the healthy communities’ movement by helping change-makers advance equitable community health and well-being.
"2019 was full of challenges for our team, but we found out who we really are and what we truly believe in. At the end of the day, it’s still all of us, together, for the common good."--Roxanne Medina-Fulcher, Executive Director
The Commons will always be a living space to encourage learning and connection among change-makers, and we will always be here to support your needs.
The Hearts and Minds Behind Community Commons
Behind Community Commons stands the folks at the Institute for People, Place, and Possibility (IP3). IP3’s work -- both as the life force behind Community Commons and through our offering of web-based data solutions -- is founded in our commitment to improving community and population health.
Positive Outlook for 2020
The year behind us was troubling in many ways, and the one ahead will likely be a test of our country's values and future. With that in mind, The Commons is committed to focusing on inspiring stories of hope happening within communities. Here are some of our favorites from this past year and we look forward to sharing more with you in the months to come.
We Are Here: Women of Cincy on the Story of Home
Story - Written
Brought to you by Community Commons
Published on 11/06/2018
Food Procurement as an Opportunity to Improve Local Food Systems
Brought to you by Community Commons
Menasha Joint School District has a Million Reasons to Grow
Brought to you by Community Commons
Social Connection Advances Community Well Being
Brought to you by Community Commons
Bringing the Vital Conditions to Life through People, Place, and Possibility
Brought to you by Community Commons
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